Tuesday, January 25, 2005
A Letter to Nannie from Bradley
Hi all,
Things have been pretty crazy here since my Mom passed away. We're doing okay - lots going on both to prepare for the memorial services and to prepare my dad for the next leg in his journey.
I wanted to share out a letter my 7 year old son, Bradley, wrote to his "Nannie" days before she passed away. He had just read a book called "Saying Goodbye." This was a good book to help Bradley understand what was happening with his Nannie. Here's what he wrote (I've included his exact words - no spelling corrections here!):
Dear Nanny,
Remember when you and I were together and went to Golden Corral?
It was fun the time when you gave me lots of hugs.
I wish we had you longer.
I feel really, really sad because I love you.
I hope your comfy in heaven.
Thank you for being nice to me.
His pain and grief are my own. I don't think I could have said it any better.