Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Welcome to this Little Corner of the Web!

- I bought the knife (yes, I am the proud owner of a Wustof Santoko knife with a double hollow edge and Grand Prix handle). Thanks to Alton Brown (yes, another Food Network celebrity that I love), I had to buy the Wustof steel. The newest addition to the family is yet another Wustof - bread knife.
- I have a garbage bowl, although not a Texasware like Rachael [insert a sigh here].
- I cut my veggies like her (she taught me a lot!).
- I have several of her cookbooks (not counting the multiple Food Network recipe printouts that litter my kitchen).
- My hubby even saw her microwave on the internet, although it was discontinued [insert yet another sigh here].
Alright, so this ain't the Rachael Ray House of Worship, but I thought I could share some ideas, recipes and other things. Many from Rachael, but some of my own, or from other Food Network faves.